jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

Jasmin Marsters Tweets Anniversary Photos with James | @JasminMarsters1

Tags: cast: james marsters, james marsters married, james marsters pics, jasmin marsters

Posts from This Journal “james marsters pics” Tag

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: "Are you my mummy?" aka James Marsters going a *little* overboard with the PPE in #Millennium #3.11 "Collateral…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James Marsters & Mercedes McNab proving blondes have more fun... or at least they're more photogenic... or something...…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: Whereas this is the opposite of chillaxing... heatensing? aka James Marsters bringing the heat & the tension to…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James Marsters & Steven Shea chillaxing... while recording Isla Monstro @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @StevenShea…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James & Sullivan Marsters getting their groove on with Ghost of the Robot playing at @TheMintLa 2023 @JamesMarstersOf…

  • My Tweets

    Pics of the Day: James Marsters regaling the audience with his exciting fishing stories again... aka @JamesMarstersOf chatting with his hands…

  • My Tweets

    Pics of the Day: James Marsters' Victor Stein with his listening face on... you know the one... *this* one... aka @JamesMarstersOf &…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James Marsters' #Spike standing out amongst all Fred's boys... in #Angel #5.15 "A Hole in the World"…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James Marsters & Laura Vandervoort facing off in #Smallville #7.15 "Veritas" @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters

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