Wizard World: James Marsters Picks Batman
James Marsters is appearing at St. Louis Wizard World all weekend!
Looking for something fun and nerdy to do this weekend? St. Louis Wizard World is happening right now! There are games, people dressed in all kinds of cool costumes (expect a cosplay photos post later this weekend), comics, shirts and toys to buy, and of course celebrities. One of the many appearing at this weekend’s Wizard World event is none other than actor Jamess Marsters. James Marsters is most famous for his role as Spike on the excellent shows Buffy and Angel, but he’s got some DC cred as well, playing Braniac on Smallville as well as the voice of Lex Luthor in the animated film Superman: Doomsday. We here at Caped Crusades got to sit down with James Marsters before the event for an exclusive interview.
On wanting to be cast in a comic book film and what comic book films are to him:
I would love to be in a comic book movie. There’s no particular role I have in mind, because I know my plans never materialize anyways (laughs). But I love hero movies in general. I have this theory, that the real world is full of heroes, and most of them are called parents. But there’s other kinds and most of those heroes are invisible. What a hero movie does is let the artist kind of reach through the screen to the heroes in the audience and say “I see you, I know you’ve sacrificed, I know it’s hard, here’s a cape, you can fly for an hour and a half.”
James Marsters didn’t hesitate for even a second on who he prefers as far as Batman v Superman:
Batman. The thing is, if you shoot Batman he’s dead, right? So, when he goes out every night, you don’t know if he’s going to come home. That’s very adventurous. But Superman is “I’ll be fine, I’ll be home for dinner.” Dramatically speaking, it’s hard to get Superman in a real adventure because his life is never at risk. Except for Kryptonite. And if you pull out Kryptonite too often it gets repetitive and so, how do you configure that? People are very creative about how to do that, but there’s something about Batman, someone takes out a gun and blam! And he falls and you go “Oh No!”.
And although James Marsters is probably asked this by everyone, with reboots of older shows being a very big thing right now (former Buffy co-star Sarah Michelle Gellar is reprising her original role in a Cruel Intentions TV show) for example) we did ask if he’d be up for a similar Buffy or Angel show:
We used to ask ourselves on set late a night “I wonder when they are going to make the Buffy movie?”. And I would always say “Yeah, and who’s going to play Spike?” Because you guys are all human, I’m playing a vampire, we’re not supposed to age!”. You can’t really say Spike looks good for his age. But if Joss Whedon calls me for three lines, I’ll come.
Day one of Wizard World St. Louis was yesterday, but it’s still going on today and tomorrow at the America Center in downtown St. Louis so come on by if you want to get your picture taken with or get autographs from celebrities such as James Marsters and many more including the likes of David Tennant, Charlie Cox & William Shatner. There’s also a second half of this interview where I talk gaming with James Marsters that will be up on fellow FanSided site App Trigger soon so be sure to read up on that as well. Be sure to check the Wizard World Official site for more info on this weekend as well as upcoming Wizard World events!
Check out our exclusive #WizardWorld interview with @JamesMarstersOf! https://t.co/dPKqfR7Skg #WizardWorld #STL is happening all weekend!
— Caped Crusades (@CapedCrusadesFS) April 2, 2016