jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters & Jason David Frank Filming for VIDIOTS While in Perth (Photo) | @JamesMarstersOf

@JamesMarstersOf 1:11 AM
Just finished filming with Jason David Frank @jdfffn for Mark Divine and my new online show Vidiots. @VidiotsOnline pic.twitter.com/ZNNfful2oR

James Marsters, Jason David Frank & Mark Divine Filming VIDIOTS in Perth

I just wanted to say most fun I had in Perth filming for James Marsters and Mark Divine's video gaming show.... fb.me/1ldB0AH23

@JamesMarstersOf 1:48 AM
Enjoying our time in Perth with @jdfffn #JasonDavidFrank
#VidiotsOnline @VidiotsOnline twitter.com/jdfffn/status/…

Enjoying our time in Perth with JASON DAVID FRANK - Official Fan Page

Posted by James Marsters - The Official Page on Friday, June 24, 2016

I just wanted to say most fun I had in Perth filming for James Marsters and Mark Divine's video gaming show. Coming...

Posted by JASON DAVID FRANK - Official Fan Page on Friday, June 24, 2016

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: perth supanova expo, james marsters pics, james marsters tweets/posts, jm-top, reports pics and videos, web series: vidiots

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