Written by Luke Edwards
Saturday, 08 May 2010 12:53
The titles for the remainder of the episodes have been revealed although are subject to change before transmission. Caprica will return with Unvanquished with subsequent episodes titled: Retribution, Things We Lock Away, False Labour, Blowback, The Dirteaters, The Heavens Will Rise, Here Be Dragons and Apotheosis. Details about the new episodes are few and far between although its expected James Marsters will once again appear as terrorist leader Barnabus while some scenes will be set on other colonies, such as Gemenon.
Although a second series of Caprica has yet to be given the green-light production sources revealed that planning work has already begun for a new series. Also in development is another spin-off series from Battlestar Galactica although no further details, other than the fact that a new spin-off is in development, has been revealed.