- 00:31 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; autos, magnets): bit.ly/9LAyS9 #JamesMarsters #Buffy #Angel #BtVS #
- 00:32 RT @JM_Live | GOOD MORNING TORONTO! Stay tuned for information regarding James Marsters' appearance at FANEXPO CANADA! bit.ly/abDFSh #
- 02:24 DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters' Rue Morgue Festival of Fear Details to Come | JM-TOP ow.ly/17kaXe #
- 02:24 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:06 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; #GotR CD... ow.ly/17kaXf #
- 11:02 Twitter | James Marsters #FedCon XIX Twitter Video & Pics: bit.ly/cLkvMi #JamesMarsters #GarethDavidLloyd #JoeFlanigan #DavidHewlett #
- 11:26 RT @JM_Live | Oh, Canada! James Marsters will be appearing at FANEXPO CANADA August 27 - 29 in Toronto: bit.ly/aBROCJ #JamesMarsters #
- 11:36 Various | #BUFFY: Season Eight Issue 35 Reviews (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/dccKUt #JamesMarsters #BtVS #JossWhedon #
- 11:40 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; #Spike pillowcase, auto): bit.ly/9XdqWQ #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #
- 11:59 Flickr | James Marsters #WonderCon 2010, Saturday Pics: bit.ly/a4rVjv #JamesMarsters #
- 12:08 YouTube | James Marsters #FedCon XIX (Autographs party 6) (video): bit.ly/bXJMt6 bit.ly/9yfA63 #JamesMarsters #
- 12:47 Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters news+; #ElisabethRohm #VincentKartheiser ints; #BONES #ANGEL #BUFFY reviews... #BtVS #
- 12:49 ... bit.ly/BBoard Sarah Michelle Gellar sighting; #BONES #LEVERAGE previews; @julietlandau #LOST #HIMYM news; @starfuryevents vid; + #
- 13:27 DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters FedCon XIX Video | YouTube ow.ly/17kATI #
- 13:27 DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend FanExpo Canada - Previously announced as James Marsters to Attend Rue M... ow.ly/17kATJ #
- 22:20 shayasar | We're all going to diiiieeeeee!!!!! - Or #FedCon 2010 (James Marsters, Gareth David-Lloyd+ ments): bit.ly/dltfnm #
- 23:36 More Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters report; Nicholas Brendon news; SMG sighting; #LOST #HIMYM reviews; cast tweets + #
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