jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

Actor James Marsters (Video Interview) | @AMNW

Actor James Marsters

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You know him best as punk-goth Brit vampire Spike in the critically acclaime TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and the equally popular spin-off "Angel". Actor, singer and songwriter James Marsters joined us to talk about his career and coming to Portland for Wizard World Comic Con!

  • Wizard World Comic Con
  • April 13-15
  • Oregon Convention Center

For more information, visit the Wizard World Comic Con website.



Tags: cast: anthony stewart head, cast: david boreanaz, cast: james marsters, cast: sarah michelle gellar, crew: joss whedon, event: portland comic con, james marsters interview, james marsters video, james marsters video interview, tv: angel, tv: buffy, tv: marvels runaways

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