jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

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James Marsters to Attend Niagara Falls Comic Con 3-5 June 2022 | @NFComicCon

UPDATE 4/6/22: James Marsters Niagara Falls Comic Con Reports, Pics & Videos

UPDATE 6/5/22: James Marsters Niagara Falls Comic Con Schedule (scroll for links to the complete schedules)

UPDATE 6/11/21: James has been officially reannounced for Niagara Falls Comic Con's June 3-5 2022 dates. RSVP to my Facebook event to get all the event updates, not just the James-y bits. See complete list of guests prices & days here.

UPDATE 9/4/21: Niagara Falls Comic Con has been rescheduled to June 3-5 2022. While all guests, including James, remain listed on their website, I'd consider them all TBC. I'll let you know when there's confirmation of James' attendance either way.

UPDATE 5/8/20: Niagara Falls Comic Con has been rescheduled to June 4-6 2021, with James' attendance marked as pending. James is no longer listed as a pending guest. He's now marked as appearing all 3 days, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Buffy fans rejoice! James Marsters, best known for his role as “Spike” in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel will be appearing at Niagara Falls Comic Con 2020! Tix on sale NOW at http://nfcomiccon.com Happy Halloween!

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: niagara falls comic con 2022, james marsters

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