jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

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Exclusive Interview with James Marsters at CloudsCon's Buffy 3 | @just_about_tv

[Calendrier de l’avent – Jour 13] Interview exclusive avec James Marsters lors de la Buffy 3 de CloudsCon

Le mois de décembre est là et notre calendrier de l’avent également ! Pour ce onzième jour, nous vous proposons une interview exclusive avec James Marsters, alias Spike dans Buffy contre les vampires ! Attention, l’interview n’est pas encore sous-titrée en français. Elle est donc disponible en VO (anglais) uniquement. L’interview a été réalisée dans le cadre de la convention Buffy 3 : Once More With Feelings de Clouds Con en octobre dernier. Retrouvez d’ailleurs si vous le souhaitez notre compte-rendu de l’événement ici.

Interviews réalisée par Léa Flamand sur les questions de Marion Gairin.

Restez connectés, peut-être que d’autres surprises se cachent dans notre calendrier de l’avent pour vous…

ETA: English translations of the questions in the interview:

Q1: "You began your career in the theater. What do you like most about this exercise?"

Q2: "You joined Buffy's cast in season 2. How did you prepare for the role of Spike?"

Q3: "Spike is English, you are American. Did you know you had an English accent before joining Buffy?"

Q4: "Spike was not supposed to survive that long but became a fan favorite very quickly. Were you surprised?"

Q5: "What was it like not to say a word during the shooting of the episode Hush in season 4?"

Q6: "You are a musician. Were you excited to shoot when Joss Whedon announced the musical episode?"

[Advent Calendar - Day 13] Exclusive Interview with James Marsters at CloudsCon's Buffy 3
December 13, 2019 December 13, 2019 Lizzie and Moody No comment Buffy against the Vampires , CloudsCon , Slay the Vampires

December is here and so is our advent calendar! For this eleventh day, we propose an exclusive interview with James Marsters , aka Spike in Buffy against the vampires ! Please note, the interview is not yet subtitled in French. It is therefore available in VO (English) only. The interview was conducted as part of Clouds Con's Buffy 3: Once More With Feelings convention last October. You can also find our report on the event here.

Interviews conducted by Léa Flamand on Marion Gairin's questions.

Stay connected, maybe other surprises are hidden in our advent calendar for you…

Tags: #buffy3, #omwf, cast: anthony stewart head, cast: james marsters, character: spike, crew: joss whedon, event: cloudscon buffy 2019, james marsters interview, james marsters video, james marsters video interview, tv: buffy

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