- Fri, 12:02: Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf as Victor Stein in @marvelsrunaways, in honour of the fact that we're only hours… https://t.co/4bJVxI7l3U
- Fri, 12:24: James Marsters News+ James Marsters January 2008 Official Q&A | @JamesMarstersOf: Back in the day, James Marsters'… https://t.co/fpzsBzGxgc
- Fri, 12:24: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Thu, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf & @MarkDevineOF bromancing in… https://t.co/gYzbhjgBRi
- Fri, 16:00: RT @marvelsrunaways: The big day is here 🖤✨ #MarvelsRunaways is NOW STREAMING on @hulu. #12DaysOfRunaways https://t.co/cUex28yfkY
- Fri, 20:10: Ok, no spoilers, but @ClarissaT is totally stealing the show in the first episode of Season 3! @marvelsrunaways… https://t.co/wZic5TXgnZ
- Fri, 20:50: .@just_about_tv | Exclusive Interview with James Marsters at CloudsCon's Buffy 3 (video int) @JamesMarstersOf… https://t.co/uyTzYelePD
- Fri, 21:27: James Marsters News+ Exclusive Interview with James Marsters at CloudsCon's Buffy 3 | @just_about_tv: [Calendrier… https://t.co/jJ79ujKhyf
- Fri, 22:56: ICYMI James Marsters January 2008 Official Q&A @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #TBT #FBF #ThrowbackThursday… https://t.co/0OCVMFrWtE
- Sat, 06:26: #FF @SonyaAbernethy @NissaMai @AnkeSchoenle @Alessandra_2308 @SilviaMeyn @Nicoranus83 - my top engaged members this… https://t.co/Ax8Rzt8hOv
- Sat, 06:33: #FF @lissalet @donnapankey45 @eyesonl66181105 @SabaChibane @Myrskytohtori @SDany89 - my top supporters this week! You rock! 🤘 #FollowFriday
- Sat, 08:49: ICYMI @just_about_tv | Exclusive Interview with James Marsters at CloudsCon's Buffy 3 (video int) English transla… https://t.co/x2DUKkBFfV
- Sat, 09:01: Our biggest fans this week: virginiamwhite, buffy66613, ringleader1010. Thank you! via https://t.co/E2JwXyVyiO https://t.co/gmdcCRM3v4
- Sat, 10:42: RT @TVTango: 🌟Binge Now @Hulu Premiere All Season 3 #MarvelsRunaways @marvelsrunaways w/ @greggsulkin @RhenzyFeliz @Lyricaforreal @Werschin…
- Sat, 10:51: RT @SpoilerTV: Runaways - Season 3 - Open Discussion + Poll https://t.co/eA3mxxpICF https://t.co/DiqWlnCVUV
- Sat, 11:13: UPDATED with new spoiler-filled post release reviews! Remember to check back for more as they're added. Marvel's… https://t.co/VCtGcQYH9j
Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf as Victor Stein in @marvelsrunaways, in honour of the fact that we're only hours away from Season 3!! Who's excited?! #JamesMarsters #MarvelsRunaways @julianrmcmahon @theryansands @EverCarradine pic.twitter.com/L4AucS1USn
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 13, 2019
Ok, no spoilers, but @ClarissaT is totally stealing the show in the first episode of Season 3! @marvelsrunaways #MarvelsRunaways #XavinFTW #Xavin
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 13, 2019
ETA: I've updated the post to include the English translations of the questions asked during the video. ☺ Find them just below the video. https://t.co/VWuw8E05NP
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 13, 2019
And, as always, you can check out the embedded version of the reviews on my LJ, if you prefer:
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 14, 2019
Marvel's Runaways Season 3 Reviews @JamesMarstersOf @marvelsrunaways #MarvelsRunaways @hulu https://t.co/uc6I75JJem