- Sat, 12:01: Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #Guh #OfficiallyCaptionedGuh… https://t.co/XRbV44UYs5
- Sat, 13:20: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Fri, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf & @JasminMarsters1 on their 5th anni… https://t.co/MgLxQsBsFm
- Sat, 23:11: Happy Birthday @DagneyKerr! I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥🎂🎁🎉♥ #HappyBirthdayDagneyKerr @JamesMarstersOf… https://t.co/NpGx6yd9Xe
- Sun, 07:14: RT @walescomiccon: #Buffy fans we have confirmed one hell of a duo photo-op with the amazing @JamesMarstersOf and @julietlandau - These are…
Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #Guh #OfficiallyCaptionedGuh #IveBeenRunningThisFansiteForAlmost20Yea
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 22, 2020rs #ThatMeansICanMakeThingsOfficial #Right? pic.twitter.com/tVQ0iKZ5dS