- 00:05 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; DVDs, CD+): bit.ly/aH7Kp3 #JamesMarsters #Torchwood #CoolMoney #Buffy #
- 01:28 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 01:06 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (#Spike trading cards): bit... ow.ly/17ZOWN #
- 11:18 HollywoodNews | Eliza Dushku talks #Faith the Vampire Slayer (James Marsters ment): bit.ly/9jM1te #JamesMarsters #ElizaDushku #Buffy #
- 11:23 TheYorker | Have you seen?: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (James Marsters #Spike ment): bit.ly/cqvu5m #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #BtVS #
- 11:27 Flickr | James Marsters SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER Event Flickr Photos: bit.ly/ayucUl #JamesMarsters #SheStoopstoConquer #LATW #
- 11:29 chironspupil | Lie to Me (#BUFFY, Season 2) (feat James Marsters #Spike): bit.ly/c6GZZ3 #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #BtVS #
- 11:53 Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters stuff; Eliza Dushku ints; #BUFFY reviews; @juliebenz @tomlenk @julietlandau + tweets+ #
- 11:58 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (autos): bit.ly/amAyBb #JamesMarsters #JulietLandau #Buffy #BtVS #
- 12:11 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/dksccal Added AU James Marsters #BUFFY & #ANGEL eps; & CAPTURE OF THE GREEN RIVER KILLER to July #
- 12:35 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/dksccal Added US James Marsters #BUFFY #MILLENNIUM #TORCHWOOD eps; #PSILOVEYOU #DRAGONBALL + to July #
- 12:51 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/dksccal Added UK James Marsters #DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION; & #BUFFY eps to July #JamesMarsters #DBE #
- 20:19 HitFix | Take Me to the Pilots '10: CBS' HAWAII FIVE-O (feat James Marsters): bit.ly/bVfQff #JamesMarsters #HawaiiFiveO #H5O #
- 21:38 TalkingMoviezzz | THE SUPER HERO SQUAD SHOW VOLUME 1 (James Marsters ment): bit.ly/clkkvj #JamesMarsters #SuperHeroSquadShow #SHSS #
- 23:26 DailyDrew | "Hell's Bells" #BUFFY - Season Six (feat James Marsters #Spike): bit.ly/agBKRU #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #BtVS #
- 23:29 Whedon BB updates: bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters stuff; #BONES #MERLIN ratings; #BUFFY #HAWAIIFIVEO reviews; Anthony Head news; tweets #
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