- Sun, 12:01: Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf, @AdamJohnsonTime & @maclainnelson at the @DudesandDragons premiere 2016 #JamesMarsters #AdamJohnson #MaclainNelson @DWarriorsMovie #DudesAndDragons #SmileyHandsomeFunnyGuys https://t.co/3FsLm48Xsd
- Sun, 12:32: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Sat, 12:01: Pics of the Day: Joyce: Well, she sounds very unreasonable. Spike: She is. She's out of her mind. That's what I miss most about her. @JamesMarstersOf @theksutherland @BuffyTVS… https://t.co/TxBrTQbJrs @JamesMarstersOf
- Sun, 13:02: This time tomorrow tune in to @_su11ivan_'s encore livestream! Grab your tickets if you haven't already! (They're *very* reasonably priced!) https://t.co/Qy8tj5zRT9
- Sun, 13:39: RT @_su11ivan_: @jamie_marsters About the cost of one of those newfangled Starbucks drinks 🍨
- Sun, 14:26: RT @Erin34717420: @jamie_marsters His Dresden voices are more impressive, but here is an adorable Christmas wish from Captain John Hart tha…
- Sun, 15:57: RT @AllCharisma: @melissafumeros @Ezriela @caricatureofzac cc: @JamesMarstersOf ....it’s a whole thing. Xo
- Sun, 17:55: So, I'm in the middle of scheduling the next several weeks' worth of 'Pics of the Day,' & I, uh, feel like I should apologise in advance for my shenanigans & hashtaggery. Like, someone should take my keyboard away. #AlthoughItsAttachedToMyLaptopSo... #OMGICantStop #Uh #Sorry? https://t.co/D0kxr4VTq3
- Mon, 06:00: RT @WizardWorld: NEXT WEEK (Dec 26/27) meet #LyricaOkano @VirginiaGardner @angelparker @Wersching @JamesMarstersOf @brigidbrannagh @BrittIs…
- Mon, 06:59: So, I'm curious: Without ruining anyone's surprise, what gift are you giving this year that you're most excited to see received? For me, I bought one of my nieces a dance-dance mat thingy, that I think she's gonna love! Am hoping for a reaction vid from my sis! #Christmas
- Mon, 08:26: Just got my Cameo from James Marsters & it was everything & *more* than I could've hoped! I asked him what his go-to 'feel good' song is & his answer is just delightful! Thank you @JamesMarstersOf! https://t.co/vLDMEaRre9 via @bookcameo
- Mon, 08:48: My BFF & I always get each other a proper gift & a silly/stupid gift. So I got her this for Xmas, which I think qualifies for the latter! (Thanks @JamesMarstersOf, she's gonna *love* the excuse to nap *more*!!) https://t.co/1NZ7hEOp2u via @bookcameo
- Mon, 11:54: RT @_su11ivan_: T-1hr! Last call: https://t.co/EJjHvpiQ4u
- Mon, 11:56: RT @GhostoftheRobot: 🚨Live music alert!🚨 https://t.co/6FS8zRc9zJ
Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf, @AdamJohnsonTime & @maclainnelson at the @DudesandDragons premiere 2016 #JamesMarsters #AdamJohnson #MaclainNelson @DWarriorsMovie #DudesAndDragons #SmileyHandsomeFunnyGuys pic.twitter.com/3FsLm48Xsd
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 20, 2020
About the cost of one of those newfangled Starbucks drinks 🍨
— Sullivan Marsters (@_su11ivan_) December 20, 2020
And for anyone who wants to play along at home... January 7 is what prompted this tweet.
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 20, 2020
Although I should feel shame for more besides... so, uh, 🤷♀️#SorryNotSorry #LetsSeeWhoPlaysAlong
James also put my own question back to me! So *my* go-to feel good song is Superstition by @StevieWonder. Never fails to put a smile on my face & get me singing & dancing along.
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 20, 2020
Thanks again @JamesMarstersOf! ♥♥♥
My BFF & I always get each other a proper gift & a silly/stupid gift. So I got her this for Xmas, which I think qualifies for the latter!
— James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) December 20, 2020
(Thanks @JamesMarstersOf, she's gonna *love* the excuse to nap *more*!!) https://t.co/1NZ7hEOp2u via @bookcameo
T-1hr! Last call: https://t.co/EJjHvpiQ4u
— Sullivan Marsters (@_su11ivan_) December 21, 2020