- 00:14:47: eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (fridge magnets, watch): http://bit.ly/aQCLWx #JamesMarsters #Spike #Buffy #BtVS
- 01:39:33: DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:19 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (DVDs, pillow case): bit.ly... http://ow.ly/1899vK
- 11:59:49: JM-TOP | James Marsters to Attend New York Comic Con Official Announcement: http://bit.ly/9xG57y http://bit.ly/9ShNPt #JamesMarsters #NYCC
- 12:00:44: RT @NY_Comic_Con | James Marsters comes to #NYCC! (+ Special Tickets Packages): http://bit.ly/cdfaeL http://bit.ly/ctuXpY #JamesMarsters
- 12:01:45: Con-News | New York Comic Con Announces Guests from Entertainment World (incl James Marsters): http://bit.ly/dc7So8 http://bit.ly/c9Dp9u
- 12:15:39: JamesMarstersLive | James Marsters July 2010 Q&A: http://bit.ly/c7CwYU http://bit.ly/cddPOb #JamesMarsters #LietoMe #HawaiiFive0 #H50
- 12:19:05: i voted dontkillspike.50webs.co for "Best Fansite" vote! http://faxo.com/t
- 12:40:33: RT @whedonesque | Hot Topic has has a new line of #BUFFY clothing. (feat James Marsters #Spike): http://bit.ly/9J0jr7 #JamesMarsters
- 12:46:16: RBR | CBS’s new #HAWAII FIVE-0 kicks off production in Honolulu (James Marsters guests): http://bit.ly/dCmpUC #JamesMarsters #HawaiiFive0
- 12:49:19: TheCulturalGutter | Noir, With Feelings (#DRESDEN FILES review; James Marsters ment): http://bit.ly/at7lgn #JamesMarsters #DresdenFiles
- 12:51:52: chironspupil | Passion (#BUFFY, Season 2) (feat James Marsters #Spike): http://bit.ly/bcGFMl #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #BtVS
- 13:07:23: YouTube | #SMALLVILLE: Tom Welling Directs (video feat James Marsters): http://bit.ly/9CpgAK http://bit.ly/blzWUR #JamesMarsters #TomWelling
- 13:14:09: eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (autos, #BUFFY scripts+): http://bit.ly/bATkFr #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #Spike #BtVS
- 13:28:31: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend New York Comic Con | JM-TOP+ http://ow.ly/189G2p
- 13:28:31: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters July 2010 Q&A | JamesMarstersLive http://ow.ly/189G2o
- 13:28:31: DKSC LiveJournal | Smallville: Tom Welling Directs (video feat James Marsters) | YouTube http://ow.ly/189G2n
- 13:45:56: @girlabby16 hello
- 14:20:51: Whedon BB updates: http://bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters news+; Christian Kane int; Julie Benz news; #BUFFY #SERENITY reviews; cast tweets; +
- 21:21:28: RT @SFXmagazine | Vote for your favourite Joss Whedon episodes in poll for upcoming SFX Special Edition http://tinyurl.com/22u4oco
- 22:35:16: RT @WhedOnline | Poll: Who's your favorite #BUFFY baddie? http://twtpoll.com/i8n0xj #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #ElizaDushku #JulieBenz
- 22:36:49: FaxoTweeter | #DKSC Nominated for Faxo Tweeter Best Fansite (Please vote!): http://bit.ly/durkRw http://bit.ly/ba0F0I #JamesMarsters #Buffy
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