- 00:50:47: eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (autos, DVDs): http://bit.ly/9gPf55 #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #SarahMichelleGellar #Buffy
- 00:55:50: Whedon BB updates: http://bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters stuff; #MERLIN #BONES ratings; Joss Whedon news; #LEVERAGE reviews; cast tweets; +
- 04:37:51: DKSC LiveJournal | From Twitter 07-19-2010 - 00:37:20: eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (scroll for more; au... http://ow.ly/18cr1K
- 11:39:12: JM-TOP | San Diego Comic Con Alert: James Marsters Joining #CAPRICA Panel: http://bit.ly/9fsZqj http://bit.ly/bzXL4W #JamesMarsters #SDCC
- 11:48:42: cultural-learnings | CCP: The Functionality of Ms. Dawn Summers (#BUFFY) (James Marsters #Spike ments): http://bit.ly/ctbetb #JamesMarsters
- 11:55:28: eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (autos): http://bit.ly/cXGZuQ #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #JulietLandau #Buffy #Angel
- 12:21:47: Whedon BB updates: http://bit.ly/BBoard James Marsters news+; @Comic_Con news; #LOST #BONES #LEVERAGE #DOLLHOUSE news; cast tweets; + more
- 13:28:58: DKSC LiveJournal | San Diego Comic Con Alert: James Marsters Joining CAPRICA Panel | JM-TOP http://ow.ly/18cPkp
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