- Fri, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf, @David_Boreanaz & #AndyHallett hard at work behind the scenes of #Angel #5.21 "Power Play" #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #AngeltheSeries #Spike #Lorne #Splorne #Spangel #Splorangel? #IFeelLikeThatCanBeBetterWorkshopped #ButImTooLazy #YouDoIt https://t.co/Jvm268AHNX
- Fri, 12:41: Fully vaccinated & it feels so good!! Or, uh, it mostly just feels the same, actually... & my arm will probably not feel so good tomorrow... but... woo hoo!! #FullyVaccinated #AstraZeneca #Dose2 #DoseDos #CovidVaccine #COVID19Vaccination https://t.co/yB3okAhE0p
- Fri, 13:32: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Thu, 12:01: Pic of the Day: Shirtless!James for, like, reasons... @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #OrLike #ScienceAndStuff #OrLikeSomeOtherNotAtAllRelatedToImpureT
houghtsReasons #Also #YoureWelcome… https://t.co/oF4ClsBEZP @JamesMarstersOf - Fri, 19:57: When the anti-vaxxers take the time to make themselves known to you, so you can super easily block that nonsense... #ThankYouForYourAssistanceInThisMatter https://t.co/WDUPx3bQDe
- Sat, 09:49: RT @walescomiccon: Saturday is now close to becoming SOLD OUT. ✨ Don't miss out on the party and grab your tickets online now - All priori…
- Sat, 10:09: RT @aquagem_art: More Birthday Sketch requests - some of the quick portraits - Chakotay, Klaus, Harry Potter and Spike from Buffy! #Digital…
Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf, @David_Boreanaz & #AndyHallett hard at work behind the scenes of #Angel #5.21 "Power Play" #JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #AngeltheSeries #Spike #Lorne #Splorne #Spangel #Splorangel? #IFeelLikeThatCanBeBetterWorkshopped #ButImTooLazy #YouDoIt pic.twitter.com/Jvm268AHNX
— James Marsters News➕ (Fully vaxxed!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜) (@jamie_marsters) June 11, 2021