jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

CAPRICA San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Panel Videos (feat James Marsters) | Syfy

Here are 4 highlight videos from the Caprica panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2010, featuring James Marsters:

Buffy Coattails - Caprica Panel Highlight

Watch a highlight from the "Caprica" panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

Dallas In Space - Caprica Panel Highlight

Watch a highlight from the "Caprica" panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

Staying on the Planet - Caprica Panel Highlight

Watch a highlight from the "Caprica" panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

The Threat is Looming - Caprica Panel Highlight

Watch a highlight from the "Caprica" panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

Tags: cast: james marsters, character: barnabas greeley, event: san diego comic con, tv: caprica, tv: caprica video

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