jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Dragon*Con Space Track Panel Time Change | Dragon*Con

Marsters Time Change
Of course, I no sooner post about the James Marsters talk when I get the news that they've changed the time. That's why we say the schedules are 'tentative'! lol

So, now it will be: James Marsters: Astronaut – The Story of Apollo 11 Saturday, at 2:30pm.

Yes, the Space Track welcomes James Marsters to discuss his role as Buzz Aldrin in the made for TV movie 'MoonShot'. This movie was done as part of last year's 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. Marsters was fabulous as astronaut and second man to walk on the Moon, Living Legend, Buzz Aldrin.

I remind everyone again -
PLEASE NOTE - The Marsters panel will be completely devoted to 'MoonShot' and Marsters role in that movie. All questions must be related to that topic and will be screened. This is STILL the Space Track and that's the focus of this panel. We hope to see you all there and suggest that anyone interested in asking a question of James Marsters should rent 'MoonShot' in preparation.

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: dragon*con, movie: moonshot

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