1st 12:00 pm My tweets 2nd 12:00 pm My tweets 3rd 10:54 am James Marsters Fox 8 Cleveland Morning Show Interview (video) | @fox8news 12:00 pm My tweets 4th 12:00 pm My tweets 5th 12:00 pm My tweets 02:29 pm James Marsters & Charisma Carpenter Wizard World Cleveland Photos x 4 | @Star102CLE 05:04 pm Thomas Ian Nicholas & Lani Sarem Interview James Marsters at Wizard World Cleveland (video) 6th 12:00 pm My tweets 12:31 pm James Marsters Wizard World Cleveland Complete Q&A Panel Video (+ 2 more) | @jimmythewhale 01:13 pm James Marsters & Charisma Carpenter Wizard World Cleveland Photos x 19 | @WizardWorld 7th 12:00 pm My tweets 8th 12:00 pm My tweets 9th 09:49 am James Marsters Cap City Comic Con Schedule | @capcitycomic 12:00 pm My tweets 10th 10:06 am James Marsters to Attend New England Super Megafest Oct 13-14 | @megafestcon 12:00 pm My tweets 11th 12:00 pm My tweets 12th 12:00 pm My tweets 13th 12:00 pm My tweets 14th 12:00 pm My tweets 12:38 pm James Marsters Acoustic Concert at New England Super Megafest | @megafestcon 15th 12:00 pm My tweets 16th 12:00 pm My tweets 17th 12:00 pm My tweets 18th 10:58 am James Marsters Cap City Comic Con Video & Photos | @capcitycomic 12:00 pm My tweets 19th 12:00 pm My tweets 20th 12:00 pm My tweets 03:34 pm James Marsters Capital City Comic Con 2018 (Full Q&A Video) | @dougascott 21st 12:00 pm My tweets 22nd 12:00 pm My tweets 01:52 pm James Marsters to Attend Wizard World Sacramento 5-7 October | @WizardWorld 23rd 12:00 pm My tweets 24th 08:36 am James Marsters Unable to Attend Wales Comic Con Due to Work Commitments | @walescomiccon 12:00 pm My tweets 25th 12:00 pm My tweets 26th 12:00 pm My tweets 27th 12:00 pm My tweets 28th 12:00 pm My tweets 29th 12:00 pm My tweets 09:08 pm Join James & Mark on Facebook This Sunday for an Announcement re: ViDiOTS Season 2! | @JamesMarsters 30th 12:00 pm My tweets 05:06 pm Interview with James Marsters (from @SupanovaExpo 2017) | @GametradersAus 31st 12:00 pm My tweets