jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

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Schmactors with James Marsters and Mark Devine

ETA 30/5/24: Tune in to the latest episode of Schmactors with James Marsters & Mark Devine "10 - Season Finale: Pet Peeves, Pre-Performance Rituals, and Star Trek Hair" out now on your podcast platform of choice!!


Previous episodes:

SchmactorsEp9.jpg schmactorsep8.jpg schmactorsep7.jpg SchmactorsEp6.jpg SchmactorsEp5.jpg SchmactorsEp4.jpg SchmactorsEp3.jpg SchmactorsEp2.jpg SchmactorsEp1.jpg


Schmactors with James Marsters and Mark Devine

James Marsters, Mark Devine, and Jason DeFillippo


Launching March 21st!


Are actors just vapid, self-involved schmucks? James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Mark Devine (Sex in the City) reunite to give their warped take on questions of the day, pull back the curtain on the life of acting for stage and screen, and attempt to disprove the idea that all actors are idiots. Please send your questions to schmactors@gmail.com to maybe, possibly, have them answered on the show!

Subscribe to the podcast at Apple or Spotify & visit the official website to subscribe to their newsletter!

Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 09-27-06 A new post from James Marsters.png

ETA 19/4/24: The latest episode of Schmactors will be delayed due to producer Jason's dog passing away. RIP Bam Bam ♥♥♥ - Jamie

Schmactors on Apple/Schmactors on Spotify/Official Site

Tags: cast: james marsters, cast: mark devine, james marsters, james marsters tweets/posts, podcast: schmactors

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