jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

DKSC Twitter Updates

DKSC/Bloody Board/Calendar Twitter Updates:

  • 00:44 GraySunrise @ MtS - James Marsters Dragon*Con Photo Ops/Report continued: bit.ly/Jrsb7 #
  • 01:02 BusyBee @ MtS - James Marsters Dragon*Con Report continued: bit.ly/DMvPB #
  • 14:09 just voted "James Marsters" on "Who would be your ideal boyfriend?" vote too ➔ bit.ly/11yovy #
  • 14:30 Pretty-Scary - Juliet Landau Interview ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer', 'Angel', 'Take Flight'): bit.ly/2rt1HE #
  • 14:31 CinemaSpy - Is "Caprica" on the Verge of Cancellation? (mentions James Marsters): bit.ly/CVEiV #
  • 14:32 PollPigeon - Who Would Be Your Ideal Boyfriend? (Vote for James Marsters): bit.ly/18A9MJ #
  • 14:33 Twitter - James Marsters' "High Plains Invaders" Tweet Reviews: bit.ly/lbNdk #
  • 14:34 GraySunrise @ MtS - James Marsters Dragon*Con Report & Pics: The Party- My Minute with James: bit.ly/1ayLgq #
  • 14:35 Twitter - James Marsters Dragon*Con Tweet Pic: bit.ly/Etk10 #
  • 14:37 Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; interviews; cast & crew tweets; Common Rotation gig; + heaps more #
  • 17:19 RT @CapricaSeven - Jane Espenson Tweets about "Caprica" (in which James Marsters will guest star): bit.ly/kYTgq #
  • 17:27 More Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP Cast & crew tweets; Buffy Season 8 Comics Georges Jeanty Q&A & more #
  • 20:47 Phantascene - James Marsters' High Plains Invaders (2009) Review: bit.ly/2sFzmz #
  • 20:53 PinkRayGun - Buffy for Beginners 4.12: A New Man: bit.ly/3qPv4e #
  • 23:36 Even More Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP "Dollhouse" S2 news; & "Merlin" S2 news #
For the latest Twitter updates click here or follow me @ http://twitter.com/jamie_marsters

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Tags: cast: james marsters, event: dragon*con, movie: high plains invaders, poll, tv: buffy, tv: caprica, twitter updates

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