jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

DKSC Twitter Updates

DKSC/Bloody Board/Calendar Twitter Updates:

  • 01:18 magtag @ jmf - James Marsters Dragon*Con 2009 Photos: bit.ly/dR5aL #
  • 10:37 Twitter - A couple James Marsters' "High Plains Invaders" tweet reviews: bit.ly/QKgNq #
  • 10:39 JamesMarsters.com - Valentines Event (aka SOPAC Valentine Event in 2010): bit.ly/GL8a6 #
  • 10:40 Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; "Buffy" S8 Comics news; "Dollhouse" S2 news; cast tweets & more #
  • 13:16 A couple more Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP Amber Benson/Eliza Dushku/Juliet Landau tweets; & AU "Dexter" ratings #
  • 17:40 Twitter - Another James Marsters' "High Plains Invaders" tweet review: bit.ly/L7oCu #
  • 17:42 More Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP "Bones" S5 news; Tom Lenk/Juliet Landau tweets; "Mercy" poster; & Marsters review #
  • 19:03 OccasionalSuperheroine - Who's Voicing Who On Marvel's "The Super Hero Squad Show" (James Marsters mention) + airdates: bit.ly/27a5IP #
  • 21:07 Even more Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP "Merlin" S2 news; "Dollhouse" S2 news; sightings; movie news & more #
  • 23:12 JamesMarsters.com - James Marsters' September Q&A: bit.ly/Uo951 #
  • 23:55 Some more Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters Q&A; sightings; Dollhouse/Bones/+ spoilers; reviews & more #
For the latest Twitter updates click here or follow me @ http://twitter.com/jamie_marsters

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Tags: cast: james marsters, event: be my valentine, event: dragon*con, james marsters official q&a, movie: high plains invaders, tv: super hero squad show, twitter updates

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