- 02:37 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:11 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (auto'd cards, t-shirt, DVD... ow.ly/1b1lcn #
- 09:50 #EmeraldCityComicon | Emerald City Comicon Programming (inc James Marsters): bit.ly/gr5tlK #JamesMarsters #ECCC @JM_Live #ClareKramer #
- 09:52 popstar | HAWAII FIVE-0 - Episode Recap 1.15: "Kai e'e" (James Marsters ment): bit.ly/e6OhOD #JamesMarsters #H50 #ScottCaan #
- 09:54 allmediany | #BUFFY Season Eight in Review (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/i4vFT5 #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon Joss Whedon #
- 09:55 RT @WizardWorld | Top Celebrities On Tap For New Orleans Comic Con As Marsters, Benz, Gossett, Park, West, Ward,... fb.me/CZ38VhTH #
- 09:56 RT @WizardWorld | Tons Tons Tons of NEW ORLEANS PRESS for this weekend!! Come check it out!! (James Marsters ment) fb.me/Tw893CLo #
- 10:01 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (auto's, poster+): bit.ly/dOlWHv #JamesMarsters #NathanFillion #Spike #Buffy #Angel @JM_Live #
- 11:39 DKSC LiveJournal | Emerald City Comicon Programming (inc James Marsters) | EmeraldCityComicon ow.ly/1b1O0v #
- 12:54 SignonSanDiego | James Marsters to Attend San Diego #IndieFest: bit.ly/gxrbQc #JamesMarsters #SDIndieFest @JM_Live #
- 13:00 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/dksccal Added James Marsters San Diego IndieFest 7 appearance to 12-13 Mar, 2011 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #
- 13:06 blogofastoopidmonkey | #BUFFY: 2.18 ‘Killed by Death’ (James Marsters #Spike ment): bit.ly/hmP9ua #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #
- 13:07 blogofastoopidmonkey | #BUFFY: 2.19 ‘I Only Have Eyes for You’ (James Marsters #Spike ment): bit.ly/i9dD2r #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #
- 13:08 blogofastoopidmonkey | #BUFFY: 2.21 ‘Becoming – Part 1’ (James Marsters #Spike ment): bit.ly/ibhTEE #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #SMG #
- 13:09 blogofastoopidmonkey | #BUFFY: 2.22 ‘Becoming – Part 2’ (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/fh99J1 #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #
- 14:15 nikkistafford | #BUFFY Rewatch Part 4 Spoiler Forum (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/gTs0jt #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon @JM_Live #
- 14:28 DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend San Diego IndieFest | SignonSanDiego ow.ly/1b1VEC #
- 16:04 shadowkat67 | #BUFFY Issue 40 Review (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/fDyQZK #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon #NicholasBrendon #
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