jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

DKSC Twitter Updates

DKSC/Bloody Board/Calendar Twitter Updates:

  • 13:12 WriggleRosie | The Rosie Ramble - DragonCon - Part 1 (James Marsters): bit.ly/ypHdi #
  • 13:13 ParanormalAuthors | The DragonCon Report, 2009 Edition (James Marsters mention): bit.ly/fEfJt #
  • 13:14 Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters reports; DOLLHOUSE reviews/ratings; cast & crew tweets; spoilers + more #
  • 14:07 NewsnWorld | James Marsters' MOONSHOT (2009) Review: bit.ly/LSIyt #
  • 15:17 RT @cinjudes | James Marsters sighting: bit.ly/18UR4Z #
  • 16:20 RT @cinjudes My bad. Drunk. NOT james Marsters - JAMES MARSDEN. You know, as in Xmen, Supes returnes. Sorry Spike fans. #
  • 17:48 Couple more Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP DOLLHOUSE review; Amber Benson book signing; & J Landau & Tom Lenk tweets #
  • 18:20 Don't Kill Spike Club website update: dontkillspike.50webs.com James Marsters linkage & more. Check it out! :) #
  • 18:27 BuddyTV | Video: Meet the Spike and Harmony of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (James Marsters mention): bit.ly/M4fSC #
  • 20:24 Jovialien | Hub Tickets (Fan selling tickets to Hub 3 event feat. James Marsters, Gareth David Lloyd & more): bit.ly/1YiLmc #
For the latest Twitter updates click here or follow me @ http://twitter.com/jamie_marsters

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Tags: cast: james marsters, character: spike, dksc website update, event: dragon*con, event: hub 3, movie: moonshot, tv: torchwood, twitter updates

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