jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

Marry, Hump, or Dump! Men of BUFFY (inc James Marsters) | AfterElton

Marry, Hump, or Dump! Men of “Buffy”

(Left to right) David Boreanaz, James Marsters, Nicholas Brendon

This week's players all starred on the classic series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Not to be crass, but which of them would you...

Nicholas Brendon

Though he's best known as Buffy and Willow's mostly platonic buddy Xander, Nicholas also starred in Charles Busch's very gay sixties horror parody Psycho Beach Party. He's also done a great deal of charity work for the Stuttering Foundation of America.

David Boreanaz

David played Buffy's vampire lover Angel, who eventually migrated to his own (similarly excellent) spin-off series. Presently he can be seen as the male lead of Fox's Bones.

James Marsters

Most recognized for his role as bleached-blond bad boy Spike, James has also appeared on Caprica and as Captain Jack's lover/nemesis on Torchwood.

Now that you've voted, please share your reasoning in the comments!


Tags: cast: david boreanaz, cast: james marsters, cast: nicholas brendon, james marsters pics, poll, tv: buffy

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