- 00:09 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (#SMALLVILLE cards, photos, mag+): bit.ly/kBb5IM #JamesMarsters #Spike #Buffy #Angel #
- 01:28 DKSC LiveJournal | Hard at working hardly work (James Marsters Ghost of the Robot Photo) | Facebook ow.ly/1cRz1B #
- 01:28 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:12 eBay | James Marsters eBay Auction Items (#Spike cards, autos, mug):... ow.ly/1cRz1A #
- 11:31 RT @SupanovaExpo | Our Sydney & Perth 2011 Magazine is now online (James Marsters attending) - networkedblogs.com/ijEDm! #
- 11:32 RT @SupanovaExpo | Sydney fans please note the Supanova VIP Ticket has sold out. Perth fans, take note ;-) #
- 11:34 buffyfest | IDW WEEK: Interview with Writer Brian Lynch (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/lH6HBb #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #
- 11:35 comics101 | COMICS 101 By Scott Tipton (James Marsters #Spike ments): bit.ly/k49Til #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #JossWhedon #Angel #
- 11:36 buffyfest | IDW WEEK: Interview with Writer Scott Tipton (James Marsters & #Spike ments): bit.ly/kPdosd #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #
- 11:37 RT @DarkHorseComics | Did you know you can now get a full issue preview of Buffy # 36 on our website? True Story bit.ly/l5RcYL #buffy #
- 20:48 Facebook | Wash, Rinse and Repeat Chorus (James Marsters' Ghost of the Robot Photo): bit.ly/lZ9EgP #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #
- 20:48 RT @GhostoftheRobot | Ghost of the Robot fb.me/YbHlQyG7 #
- 20:51 eralkfang | #BUFFY: "Go Fish" and "Becoming" (James Marsters & #Spike ments): bit.ly/jo9Cz8 #JamesMarsters #JossWhedon @JM_Live #
- 22:30 DKSC LiveJournal | Wash, Rinse and Repeat Chorus (James Marsters' Ghost of the Robot Photo) | Facebook ow.ly/1cSE64 #
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