jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Videos x 13 (inc concert & Birthday Bash) | YouTube

Here are 13 videos from James Marsters' appearance at Wizard World's Chicago Comic Con; with thanks to ashanderson523, painbowslayer, scarletibis24, & Sarah09irish17:

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011- Looking at You & Magic Dance

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011- Finer Than Gold & Button Down Vandals

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011- Cowboy Song (Alone)

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011 - All That She Wanted

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011- This Town & Smile

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011- Angel

James Marsters Concert at Chicago Comic Con 2011 - For What I Need


James Marsters Concert @ Chicago Comic Con


James' Chicago Birthday Bash

James Marsters had a birthday shindig at the Wizard World Chicago Con, and these are some snippets. Sadly, not all the snippets...but some

James Marsters on Chicago

I asked James his thoughts on Chicago, just as a bit of clarification from what he's said in the past...


James Concert-CCC 08-13-11 Part I

James Concert-CCC 08-13-11 Part II

James Concert- CCC 08-13-11 Part III

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: chicago comic con, event: concert

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