jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Dragon*Con BUFFY Q&A Panel Videos x 6 | YouTube

Here are 6 videos from James Marsters Dragon*Con 2011 BUFFY Q&A panel, with thanks to DogSeesEliza & KristinsInWonderland:

Eliza Dushku Dragon Con 2011 Sunday Panel 1

Everyone was asked what their favorite part of being on Buffy was. Offscreen, Nick teases Eliza since she's obviously not ugly even if she's not a blonde haired Buffy type! Apologies for shakiness/sound issues in the beginning. I didn't realize that zooming in and out made the sound disappear as I was recording.

Eliza Dushku Dragon Con 2011 Sunday Panel 2

Everyone was asked about the differences between doing Buffy and Angel. Apologies for shakiness/sound issues in the beginning. I didn't realize that zooming in and out made the sound disappear as I was recording.

Eliza Dushku, Julie Benz, and James Marsters Dragon Con 2011 Sunday Panel 3

The panel was asked what was their favorite scene to film in their entire careers.


Dragon*Con - Sunday's Buffy Panel: Intros

The panel is introduced to over 1400 screaming Buffy fans. The panel guests were Eliza Dushku (Faith), Julie Benz (Darla), James Marsters (Spike), Nicholas Brendon (Xander), Clare Kramer (Glory) and Mercedes McNab (Harmony).

Dragon*Con - Sunday's Buffy Panel: What's your dream role?

An audience member asks the stars what their dream role would be.

Dragon*Con - Sunday's Buffy Panel: Pranks On Set

Nicholas Brendon talks about pranking co-stars.

Tags: cast: clare kramer, cast: eliza dushku, cast: james marsters, cast: julie benz, cast: mercedes mcnab, cast: nicholas brendon, event: dragon*con, tv: buffy

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