jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters - Singing "Cowboy Song" a cappella at Dallas ComicCon 2012 (video) | YouTube

James Marsters - Singing "Cowboy Song" a cappella at Dallas ComicCon 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel, "Spike" actor James Marsters agrees to sing a cappella for the panel audience at Dallas ComicCon 2012 in Irving, Texas. He sounds a little bit country, but has a lovely voice. James wrote "Cowboy Song" on set in Romania while filming "High Plains Invaders". The lyrics tell the story of his character's, Outlaw Sam's, love for his dear Abbie, before the big uranium-eating alien spidery bug creatures attack. At the end, the interviewer says, ..."the wifi network is now gonna crash because tonight everyone is going to order the album."

Tags: audio, cast: james marsters, event: dallas comic con, movie: high plains invaders

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