jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Spooky Empire's May-Hem Videos x 12 | YouTube

Here are 12 videos from James Marsters Q&A at Spooky Empire's May-Hem; with thanks to PyrateWench84 & TammyDevil666:

James Marsters Q & A Spooky Empire Mayhem 2012

James Marsters Q & A Spooky Empire Mayhem 2012 Part 2


James Marsters @ Spooky Empire

Talking about getting back together with his band.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 2

Talking about the musical episode.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 3

Talking about who his favorite Buffy villain was.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 4

Talking in a Russian accent.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 5

Talking about the transformation of Spike.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 6

Talking about vampires.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 7

Talking about filming with Charisma Carpenter on Supernatural.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 8

Talking about auditioning for True Blood.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 9

Trying to be British, but it really doesn't sound anything like Spike anymore.

James Marsters @ Spooky Empire Part 10

Talking about The Girl in Question.

Tags: cast: charisma carpenter, cast: james marsters, character: spike, event: spooky empire's may-hem, ghost of the robot, tv: angel, tv: buffy, tv: supernatural

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