- Fri, 13:04: .@WizardWorld | James Marsters Live in Concert & 50th Birthday Celebration - Friday, August 10th!: http://t.co/XaD7LWSL #JamesMarsters
- Fri, 13:57: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/yfwv1p8o #JamesMarsters
- Fri, 17:48: RT @GhostoftheRobot | Sea Pig Unmasked! - Man! ‘What The Hell…’ doesn’t last more than two minutes before someone b... http://t.co/jqkuYMVL
- Fri, 17:49: RT @GhostoftheRobot | Photo: ‘What the Hell…!’ Round 8! What in God’s name is this? Do your worst. http://t.co/UaOr0yJL #JamesMarsters
- Fri, 18:39: cinemareels | Wizard World Comic Con Philly 2012 Day 2 (inc James Marsters pic): http://t.co/jrcOwZlP #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld
- Fri, 20:11: RT @CivilizedJames | Photo: http://t.co/rX7Qr29H #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #Dragonball
- Fri, 22:38: graysunrise | James Marsters Philly Comic Con 2012 Photos: http://t.co/wU680gIq #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld
- Sat, 10:14: RT @MadelineAnneNYC | RT? Tote bag signed by James Marsters & Amber Benson auction for @bcefa! http://t.co/SixoVJla Tax deductible!
- Sat, 10:29: .@DenverComicCon | James Marsters Denver Comic Con Schedule: http://t.co/zDO5AOC8 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Sat, 10:37: #WizardWorld | Philadelphia Comic Con Photos (inc James Marsters): http://t.co/uhrUvZX4 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld #Philly
- Sat, 10:40: inthemouthofdorkness | Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con (James Marsters mnts & pics): http://t.co/fo2PcvR7 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Sat, 10:43: Flickr | James Marsters Philadelphia Comic Con Flickr Photos: http://t.co/ehO7qZgl #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld
- Sat, 10:45: markwatches | #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: S05E19 – Tough Love (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/Yt3dyPFc #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Sat, 11:11: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Live in Concert & 50th Birthday Celebration - Friday, August 10th!... http://t.co/XaD7LWSL #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 11:11: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Denver Comic Con Schedule | @DenverComicCon http://t.co/zDO5AOC8 #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 11:11: DKSC LiveJournal | Philadelphia Comic Con Photos (inc James Marsters) | @WizardWorld http://t.co/uhrUvZX4 #JamesMarsters