- Sun, 12:23: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters at Muvico Theatre 2012 (Chicago Comic Con 50th Birthday Concert... http://t.co/hOuW5jYv #JamesMarsters
- Sun, 12:23: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/W8XXm9Td #JamesMarsters
- Sun, 12:40: RT @xavieralghul | #jamesmarsters or #spike or #brainiac http://t.co/us1fDYLY
- Sun, 15:38: wrigglerosie | James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Photos (inc concert): http://t.co/5rLx3JIo #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld #WWCC
- Sun, 15:45: RT @VerifiedSlayer: James Marsters Q & A panel this morning. He sang "Rest In Peace" From the 'Once More With Feeling' for us :D htt ...
- Sun, 15:53: YouTube | James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Q&A Videos x 2: http://t.co/E5ZGYnRQ #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld @ChicagoComicCon #Spike
- Sun, 18:25: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Q&A Videos x 2 | YouTube http://t.co/E5ZGYnRQ #JamesMarsters
- Sun, 18:50: readronswrites | #Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6, Episode 8 – Tabula Rasa (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/BqBfMKhv @JM_Live
- Sun, 19:13: readronswrites | #Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6, Episode 9 – Smashed (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/8spDPNcC #JamesMarsters
- Sun, 23:02: Twitter | James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Twitter Reports& Pics: http://t.co/WcrD7wXE #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @WizardWorld @ChicagoComicCon
- Mon, 09:14: RT @roserenee_ | James <3 #wizardpic http://t.co/ZyYeOmFx
- Mon, 09:23: RT @chrissydelano | Buffy panel. Hey James Marsters!! http://t.co/9kr5rUUE
- Mon, 09:24: RT @ItEntertainsMe | #BtVS #WizardWorld #Buffyfest Amy, James, Juliet, Camden, Amber, and Doug. http://t.co/Hxn7j5R7
- Mon, 09:25: RT @ItEntertainsMe | James Marsters, Juliet Landau, and Camden Toy. #BtVS #WizardWorld #BuffyFest http://t.co/U6fGMekI
- Mon, 09:25: RT @ItEntertainsMe | Amy Acker, James Marsters, Juliet Landau, Camden Toy #BtVS #BuffyFest #WizardWorld http://t.co/o1mhk55U
- Mon, 09:26: RT @Magietagie: At the Buffy Panel with @AmyAcker, @JM_Live, @julietlandau, Camden, @amber_benson, @actordougjones at @ChicagoComicCon h ...
- Mon, 09:27: RT @Magietagie: We had a marriage proposal by a fan 2 his girlfriend during the Buffy Q&A at @ChicagoComicCon #WizardWorld #wizardpi ...
- Mon, 09:27: RT @ItEntertainsMe | http://t.co/m1p5xsVb
- Mon, 09:29: RT @Magietagie | Just got an autograph with @JM_Live (James Marsters) at @ChicagoComicCon #WizardWorld #wizardpics http://t.co/IZG2J3WH
- Mon, 09:35: RT @jenusellis | Buffyfest panel (w/ Amy Acker, too!) #ChicagoComicCon #fb http://t.co/LLrEI5xg
- Mon, 09:37: RT @anthonylaatsch | James. http://t.co/jHuWStFU
- Mon, 09:38: RT @anthonylaatsch | Bye bye Buffy http://t.co/UXDeVckN
- Mon, 09:38: RT @anthonylaatsch | The scooby gang http://t.co/ueagDv9f
- Mon, 09:39: RT @anthonylaatsch | End of Buffy panel http://t.co/WHBS4EhC
- Mon, 09:58: Twitter | James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Twitter Reports & Pics (inc #Buffyfest Q&A): http://t.co/psxgHfy7 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #Spike
- Mon, 10:21: examiner | Heroes, monsters & aliens descend on Chicago Wizard World Comic Con 2012 (James Marsters mnt): http://t.co/O0kUOYxZ @JM_Live
- Mon, 10:24: honestreviewscorner | Buffy’s James Marsters Panel at the 2012 Wizard World Chicago Comic Con (pic & videos): http://t.co/wn77bta8 @JM_Live
- Mon, 10:33: YouTube | James Marsters @WizardWorld Chicago Comic Con Videos x 2: http://t.co/O7cCIJOC #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @ChicagoComicCon #Spike