- Tue, 14:41: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/hKhKSqgU #JamesMarsters
- Tue, 17:03: RT @GhostoftheRobot | I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/xG99sNgb Ghost of the Robot - Blind Eyes #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Tue, 20:25: RT @guilubrano | "Metal Hurlant Chronicles" sera sur FRANCE TELEVISION. La s�rie de science fiction fran�aise adapt�... http://t.co/EYhfHu7C
- Tue, 22:59: RT @CivilizedJames | James Marsters News: On August 28, 2005, I opened a fansite dedicated to actor and musician Jam... http://t.co/a67Qp8iK
- Tue, 22:59: RT @JM_Live | Congratulations and thank you to @CivilizedJames for 7 years online! http://t.co/P4Naz7bd
- Wed, 08:26: RT @melissa_marr: Q“@Vinity2: Will James Marsters' audio for Carnival of Souls be release Sept 4th?” A: Yes. Audio & hardcover both ...
- Wed, 08:32: YouTube | METAL HURLANT CHRONICLES France 4 announcement Teaser (Video ft James Marsters): http://t.co/3qiVkyxg #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Wed, 08:38: markwatches | #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: S07E02 – Beneath You (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/DkB75Izh #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Wed, 08:43: Twitter/Flickr | James Marsters Fan Expo Canada Twitter/Flickr Reports & Pics: http://t.co/p8qCgfjk #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @FanExpoCanada
- Wed, 09:09: JM-TOP | James Marsters Returns to Studio to Record [#Dresden Files] COLD DAYS Audiobook: http://t.co/VpPI1vqC #JamesMarsters @JM_Live
- Wed, 10:15: g33kpron | Fan Expo Canada: James Marsters & Juliet Landau Q&A Highlights: http://t.co/k4QhPyl3 #JamesMarsters @JM_Live @FanExpoCanada
- Wed, 11:50: DKSC LiveJournal | METAL HURLANT CHRONICLES France 4 announcement Teaser (Video ft James Marsters) |... http://t.co/3qiVkyxg #JamesMarsters
- Wed, 11:50: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Returns to Studio to Record [Dresden Files] COLD DAYS Audiobook |... http://t.co/GEHp8qvG #JamesMarsters