jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

DKSC Twitter Updates

  • 11:48 WriggleRosie | The Rosie Ramble - James Marsters Boston Megafest - Part 5 - Sunday Coffee: bit.ly/7Jt03Z #
  • 11:50 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 11:44 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 11:38 Adagio | James Mars... ow.ly/16bIPA #
  • 12:37 RyallTime | IDW's new releases for December 23 (incl. ANGEL Annual #1, feat. James Marsters Spike; incl. cover art): bit.ly/5M2EiK #
  • 12:44 ComicsContinuum | First Look: ANGEL Annual #1/ANGEL: Only Human #5 (incl. preview pages feat. James Marsters Spike): bit.ly/6IfwX2 #
  • 12:53 TheDarkenedLair | Animation in Recent Years, Part Three: Feature Lengths (James Marsters SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY mention): bit.ly/6LvdPS #
  • 13:05 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; DOLLHOUSE reviews; Landau/Dushku/Kane/Busch/Benz/Lenk/Benson tweets + more #
  • 17:26 PollPigeon | Who would you rather be traped in a lift with? (Vote for James Marsters): bit.ly/8huYim #
  • 17:27 just voted "James Marsters" on "Who would you rather be traped in a lift with?" vote too ➔ bit.ly/10QHq7 #
  • 17:31 Examiner | Sexiest man in the vampire realm (James Marsters nominated; voting starts 23 Dec): bit.ly/83X1bp #
  • 17:36 More Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; DOLLHOUSE review; Juliet Landau/Julie Benz/Tom Lenk/Adam Busch tweets #
  • 23:49 Couple more Whedonverse Bloody Board updates: bit.ly/SvIEP DOLLHOUSE reviews; & Juliet Landau tweets #
For the latest Twitter updates click here or follow me @ http://twitter.com/jamie_marsters

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Tags: angel comics, cast: james marsters, event: boston super megafest, movie: superman: doomsday, poll, twitter updates

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