jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

DKSC Twitter Updates

  • 10:41 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP Anthony Stewart Head int/sighting; DOLLHOUSE promo/news; Eliza Dushku mag; Landau/Busch/+ tweets #
  • 12:09 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 10:22 eBay.co.uk | TORCHWOOD James Marsters "Captain John Hart (with... ow.ly/16cRpE #
  • 23:34 ezyzul-video | SMALLVILLE - The Complete Seventh Season (2007) Review (James Marsters mention): bit.ly/5izQyt #
  • 23:35 SciFi.co.uk | Win a chalet for six people at the SFX weekender in February (which James Marsters is attending): bit.ly/5blko2 #
  • 23:36 More Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters & DOLLHOUSE news; BUFFY (comic) review; cast movie news; cast tweets & more #
For the latest Twitter updates click here or follow me @ http://twitter.com/jamie_marsters

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Tags: cast: james marsters, event: sfx weekender, tv: smallville, twitter updates

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