jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Chicago Comic Con Videos x 10 (inc concert & Q&As) | YouTube

Here are 10 videos of James Marsters from Chicago Comic Con, including his 50th Birthday Bash concert, & Q&As; with thanks to spike7dru:

James Marsters - Katie

Performed at his 50th Birthday Bash in Muvico Theatre, Chicago, Illinois
August 10th, 2012

James Marsters - Bad

James Marsters - All That She Wanted

James Marsters - London City

James Marsters - Layabout

James Marsters - Button Down Vandals

James Marsters - Dangerous and Goodbye

James Marsters - Chicago Comic Con 2012 Panel

James Marsters talks about Once More with Feeling episode.
August 11th, 2012

James Marsters - Chicago Comic Con 2012 Panel

James Marsters talks about sex scenes on BTVS and ATS.
August 11th, 2012

James Marsters - Buffyfest Panel Chicago Comic Con 2012

James Marsters, Juliet Landau, and Amy Acker speak about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Pranks, characters, and vampire life.

Tags: cast: amy acker, cast: james marsters, cast: juliet landau, event: chicago comic con, event: concert, event: james marsters 50th birthday

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