- 10:45 TheTwoCentsCorp | James Marsters Spike #9 in TTC’s Staff’s Favorite TV Characters Of The Decade: bit.ly/5mZBud #
- 10:46 eBay.co.uk | Spike vs Dracula JAMES MARSTERS ANGEL Spike comic BUFFY Auction: bit.ly/7lbOeb #
- 10:47 Raked | Recap Review(ish): LIE TO ME - LIE TO ME: 2.02 “Truth or Consequences” (James Marsters mentions): bit.ly/8SoZI2 #
- 10:48 Whedonesque | BUFFY 'Once More With Feeling' in Guardian's ten best episodes of the noughties (feat. James Marsters): bit.ly/5x5EDk #
- 11:17 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER ratings/review; Landau/Caulfield/Benson/Kane tweets + #
- 12:06 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 10:47 InAceWeTrust | Full Loveline for January 30, 2003 w/ James Marsters... ow.ly/16eEPz #
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