- Mon, 12:56: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/dYV4Xwss #JamesMarsters
- Mon, 20:06: littlemissfitfan | That cheeky look and that smile <3 (James Marsters Supanova Expo Photos): http://t.co/XGh8gM9V @JM_Live @SupanovaExpo
- Mon, 21:50: chironspupil | Checkpoint (#BUFFY, Season 5, Episode 12) (ft James Marsters #Spike): http://t.co/D95bAwSc @JM_Live #JossWhedon @alydenisof
- Mon, 21:51: thebuffyrewatch | Cordia’s Review: [#BUFFY] S5, E09 – Listening to Fear (James Marsters #Spike mnt): http://t.co/tDxSOhGn @JM_Live #BtVS
- Mon, 21:52: thebuffyrewatch | Robin’s Review: [#BUFFY] S5, E09 – Listening to Fear (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/1cTbPRrt @JM_Live #BtVS
- Mon, 22:26: Twitter | James Marsters Adelaide Supanova Expo Twitter Reports & Pics: http://t.co/K0xPFM8P @JM_Live #Novalaide @SupanovaExpo #Spike
- Tue, 08:00: RT @GhostoftheRobot | ianbrooks: Robots Don’t Know Anything About Love by Doctor Popular An excerpt from Doctor Popula… http://t.co/609VZLH7
- Tue, 08:05: unpaidsophistry | [#BUFFY] Hell's Bells (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/ozJMZDAk #JamesMarsters @JM_Live #JossWhedon #SMG
- Tue, 08:14: wrigglerosie | Rosie Goes to See James Marsters at the Welcome to Sunnydale Convention in Paris - Part Trois: http://t.co/j6LITCE7 @JM_Live
My tweets
My Tweets
Pic of the Day: James Marsters, Gerard Butler, Gina Gershon & Lisa Kudrow enjoying the show in P.S. I Love You 2007 @JamesMarstersOf…
My Tweets
Pic of the Day: Enough of the serious stuff, time for more silly!! aka James & Sullivan Marsters enjoying the local dècor & delicacies at…
My Tweets
Pic of the Day: On a more serious note: did we all notice that it's freakin' February?! The little month that could?! What?! 😱 aka James…
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