jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

My tweets

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: adelaide supanova expo, event: welcome to sunnydale con, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, twitter, twitter updates

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: James Marsters, Gerard Butler, Gina Gershon & Lisa Kudrow enjoying the show in P.S. I Love You 2007 @JamesMarstersOf…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: Enough of the serious stuff, time for more silly!! aka James & Sullivan Marsters enjoying the local dècor & delicacies at…

  • My Tweets

    Pic of the Day: On a more serious note: did we all notice that it's freakin' February?! The little month that could?! What?! 😱 aka James…

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