jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

Home Movies from BUFFY Stunt Coordinator Jeff Pruitt (videos ft James Marsters) | YouTube

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Initiative and Pangs Home movies of stunt coordinator Jeff Pruitt

Behind the scenes video of a fight in the hallway from THE INITIATIVE and Sophia Crawford fighting a ghost Indian that turns into a live bear in PANGS.

BUFFY-HUSH-DOOMED-home movies from Buffy Stunt Coordinator Jeff Pruitt

For HUSH I built a travel rig in my garage (for flying the characters) to save money using whatever parts I had laying around. I had previously used the existing buildings at Universal Studios to rig from but producers wanted a longer floating glide for the characters. This meant a huge expense of big cranes sitting parked on the lot while we shot other things. Nothing we could do about that. But in the end it was worth it. It was a cool shot.

In DOOMED we used the fall with Sophia, but I don't think we used much of the blue screen shot. Someone kept telling her to raise her head which brought her face into the camera. We thought they would put Sarah's face digitally onto hers (similar to when Madonna's face was put on Sophia's for the DIE ANOTHER DAY music vid). Turns out they simply forgot that she was SUPPOSED to hide her face. It was due to mental exhaustion I think, Eh, it happens. We still got what we needed to make the show a good one.

BUFFY-THIS YEARS GIRL-HARSH LIGHT OF DAY-fight scene home movies of stunt coordinator Jeff Pruitt

Buffy vs. Faith breaking glass in THIS YEARS GIRL. (btw-the cop getting shoved is me;)

Spike gets Hong Kong veteran Steve Tartalia to be his regular stunt double from HARSH LIGHT OF DAY on (after the other guys and even myself had been doubling Spike). Joss liked the look of his square jaw as it matched James better than the rest of us.

Plus, a little playful action between Buffy and Riley at the gym.

More videos here

Tags: cast: james marsters, character: spike, tv: buffy, tv: buffy video

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