- 00:45 ATVNewsNetwork | Spin-offs we’d like to see (James Marsters in TORCHWOOD: USA): bit.ly/8HvIHX #
- 00:52 JamesMarstersLive | James Marsters January 2010 Q&A: bit.ly/70bH6w #
- 10:41 RT @JM_Live | JamesMarsters.com & JamesMarstersLive.com have merged together into one official site. You may notice... bit.ly/6mlV2p #
- 10:42 RT @JM_Live | The January Q&A with James Marsters is available for viewing at JamesMarstersLive.com bit.ly/70bH6w #
- 12:44 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 00:02 eBay.com | Spike Complete Story Autograph: A1 James Marsters: bit.l... ow.ly/16lbZp #
- 13:22 TheFutonCritic | James Marsters DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION to air on Cinemax's "See It Saturday": bit.ly/6LzxDi #
- 13:23 LATimes | CAPRICA countdown: An exclusive new trailer and the home planet (James Marsters Guest Stars): bit.ly/5pKD4d #
- 13:23 RT @QAF_Joji387 | Photo: James Marsters performing at the 100 Club in London, UK May 3rd, 2009: bit.ly/5mFSLm #
- 13:24 salchli @ CDS | James Marsters COOL MONEY Behind-the-Scenes Pic: bit.ly/4Lat3w #
- 13:43 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters/BONES/HAPPY TOWN news; LEVERAGE/BUFFY reviews; Eliza Dushku int; cast tweets + mo #
- 13:48 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/16AMPu Added US James Marsters DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION Cinemax premiere to 6 Feb, 2010 #
- 14:19 PieceofPu | Worst Movie of the Year - And the Loser is… James Marsters DRAGONBALL: EVOLUTION: bit.ly/4vXl4v #
- 14:43 st-salieri | The Myth of [James Marsters] Spike the Badass - a Scientific Study: bit.ly/7HBlb9 #
- 17:03 buffy-anne-summers | YouTube: James Marsters on ROVE LIVE (July, 2004 video): bit.ly/5Qzr1Q #
- 18:28 erin_starlight | Booster Gold # 28, ANGEL #29 and Angel Only Human (comic review; James Marsters Spike mentions): bit.ly/4ojX4Q #
- 18:50 More Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters news; DOLLHOUSE/BONES (p)reviews; M. Trachtenberg movie news; & cast tweets #
- 23:04 eBay.co.uk | BUFFY [James Marsters] Spike Autograph with C.O.A.: bit.ly/4Cut9q #
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