jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

Central Canada Comic Con (C4) Photo Ops Schedule (inc James Marsters) | @C4ConCanada

Photo Ops

C4 will have a number of scheduled photo opportunities with our great guests! Please stay tuned for the schedule, and in the meantime, you can pre-purchase your Photo Op on this page using Paypal!</p>

Photo Ops being hosted by FROGGY!

3:45….Malcolm Danare
4:00…..Chris Sarandon
4:15…..Lee Arenberg
4:30…..David Prowse
4:45…..Jason David Frank
5:15…..Bruce Boxleitner
5:30…..Walter Koenig
5:45…..Avery Brooks
6:00…..Laura Vandervoort/Aaron Ashmore
6:20…..James Marsters

11:45……Malcolm Danare
12:00…..Tony Amendola
12:20…..Chris Sarandon
12:40…..James Marsters
 1:00……Lee Arenberg
 1:15……Ron Perlman
 1:40……Jason David Frank
 2:05……Walter Koenig
 2:20……Bill Goldberg
 3:00……Bruce Boxleitner
 3:20……Avery Brooks
 3:40……Robert Duncan McNeil
 4:00……Laura Vandervoort/Aaron Ashmore
 4:25……David Prowse
 4:40……James Marsters

11:45…..Malcolm Danare
11:45…..Tony Amendola
12:00…..Chris Sarandon
12:15…..Avery Brooks
12:30…..Robert Duncan McNeil
12:45…..Walter Koenig
 1:00……Ron Perlman
 1:25……James Marsters
 1:45……Lee Arenberg
 2:00……Bruce Boxleitner
 2:15……David Prowse
 2:30……Laura Vandervoort/Aaron Ashmore


Tags: cast: james marsters, event: c4 2013

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