jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Comicpalooza BUFFY Q&A Panel Videos x 4 | YouTube

Here are 4 more short videos of James Marsters at the Comicpalooza BUFFY Q&A panel; with thanks to xman25a:

Comicpalooza 2014 -- Buffy Panel #7

Buffy panel at the 2014 Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas. May 24, 2014.

Comicpalooza 2014 -- Buffy Panel #8

Comicpalooza 2014 -- Buffy Panel #9

Comicpalooza 2014 -- Buffy Panel #10

Tags: cast: clare kramer, cast: george hertzberg, cast: james c leary, cast: james marsters, cast: nicholas brendon, event: comicpalooza, tv: buffy

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