- Thu, 12:11: RT @josswhedon: Fierce @MoTancharoen fights LUPUS every day. Please throw a punch: donate, RT, share - http://t.co/4ILby4RQ21 http://t.co/I…
- Thu, 12:14: RT @jamieotfollow: ENDING SOON @SFXmagazine #150 DEC 2006 #Torchwood, Russell T Davies, @BenAffleck, @TheRealStanLee for sale on @eBay http…
- Thu, 12:16: RT @jamieotfollow: ENDING SOON #SMALLVILLE Official Magazine #9 MAY/JUN 2006 Michael Rosenbaum James Marsters for sale on @eBay http://t.co…
- Thu, 12:23: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend Starfury: Miracle Day 2 | @starfuryevents http://t.co/ZbWw3qMm6a #JamesMarsters
- Thu, 12:23: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend Richmond Comic Con 2015 | JM-TOP http://t.co/z8l4UvdxD8 #JamesMarsters
- Thu, 12:23: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/DfRezVMj5y #JamesMarsters
- Thu, 12:58: buzzfeed | 48 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (James Marsters mnt) http://t.co/VGAEU4ZwO3 @JM_Live @RealSMG
- Thu, 13:16: hollywoodreporter | Shonda Rhimes Reveals How #BUFFY Helped Her Rediscover TV http://t.co/3c1idq52tM @JossWhedon @RealSMG @shondarhimes
- Thu, 13:24: omfgtv | #WitchesofEastEnd Recap: The Meaning of Forever (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/61LhlhYBzS @JM_Live @RichardHatem @auntwendythecat
- Thu, 13:26: hallels | #WitchesofEastEnd Recap: An end for the new start (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/nIZ6UxY9jx @JM_Live @JuliaOrmond @rachelboston
- Thu, 15:42: .@WizardWorld | James Marsters & Eliza Dushku #Tulsa Comic Con Photo Op Schedules http://t.co/Gq1GW0AzHJ @JM_Live @ElizaDushku #WWTulsaCC
- Thu, 16:16: thestar | 10 TV characters that made a 'lasting' impression (inc James Marsters #Spike) http://t.co/j0pp86DYWJ @JM_Live #JamesMarsters #BtVS
- Thu, 16:56: James Marsters Upcoming Events/DKSC Calendar update: http://t.co/Lyj6DKatLy http://t.co/Jz5aih2AzP Added UK/US cons to May/Jul 2015 @JM_Live
- Thu, 18:26: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters & Eliza Dushku Tulsa Comic Con Photo Op Schedules | @WizardWorld http://t.co/Gq1GW0AzHJ #JamesMarsters
- Thu, 22:14: wired | The Wild Evolution of #Vampires, From Bram Stoker to #Dracula Untold (James Marsters mnt) http://t.co/UCOBRFhmxO @JM_Live #Spike
- Fri, 09:24: RT @jamieotfollow: SFX Magazine #150 DEC 2006 #Torchwood, Russell T Davies, @BenAffleck, @TheRealStanLee for sale on @eBay http://t.co/GUW3…
- Fri, 09:27: RT @jamieotfollow: #SMALLVILLE Official Magazine #9 MAY/JUN 2006 Michael Rosenbaum, James Marsters for sale on @eBay http://t.co/MRlJgpRhEC…
- Fri, 09:31: dailytwocents | #WitchesofEastEnd Season 2 Episodes 12 and 13 Review (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/d6XwEUoVX0 @JM_Live @WitchesEastEnd
- Fri, 09:33: io9 | All the Craziest Things From the 2-Hour #WitchesofEastEnd Finale (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/axd8CAB0ty @JM_Live @EricWinter1
- Fri, 09:35: fangsforthefantasy | #WitchesofEastEnd, Season 2, Episode 12: Box to the Future (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/GR36hXpgHQ @JM_Live #WOEE
- Fri, 09:36: fangsforthefantasy | #WitchesofEastEnd, Season 2, Episode 13: For Whom the Spell Tolls (ft James Marsters) http://t.co/DlhDhlEIMq @JM_Live
- Fri, 09:39: buddytv | POLL: Top 5 TV Villains that Became Good Guys (& Got the Girl) (inc James Marsters #Spike) http://t.co/hCUlqkmRJb @JM_Live #Buffy
- Fri, 09:44: .@buffyfest | Breaking News: Dark Horse's Scott Allie retires from the Buffyverse! http://t.co/0etSJrpSzB @ScottAllie @JossWhedon #Buffy
- Fri, 09:46: newsarama | Long-time Editor Steps Down From Dark Horse’s #BUFFY Comics http://t.co/m1gTnaZOI0 @ScottAllie @DarkHorseComics @JossWhedon
- Fri, 09:50: CBR | #NYCC: Allie Steps Away From Dark Horse Comics' #BUFFY http://t.co/aD10Db8lnD @ScottAllie @DarkHorseComics @JossWhedon @buffyfest
- Fri, 09:53: Sad to see @ScottAllie step down from the #BUFFY comics, but I'm glad he's still sticking around @DarkHorseComics.
- Fri, 09:54: And, of course, I'm excited to welcome Sierra Hahn to the Buffyverse helm! I've no doubt the comics have been left in great hands. :D
- Fri, 10:05: RT @whedonesque Dark Horse to celebrate Buffy's birthday in January 2015. http://t.co/0Ns20dy4pR
- Fri, 10:17: shangelsreviews | #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, "Spiral" Review (5x20) (James Marsters #Spike mnts) http://t.co/mnnLZQGeDK @JM_Live @JossWhedon
- Fri, 10:20: RT @VictorGischler Thank you @ScottAllie for giving me a chance with 5 issues of SPIKE. Onward now with the intrepid Sierra Hahn!