jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters Cleveland Comic Con 2015 Videos x 3 | YouTube

James Marsters at Cleveland Comic Con Jan 2015-Talks kissing John Barrowman

James Marsters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer at Cleveland Ohio Comic Con January 2015. He also talks about things he would like to do next with his career

James Marsters Cleveland Comic Con January 2015-Weird Fan Moments & Dragonball

James Marsters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer at Cleveland Ohio Comic Con talks about weird fan moments in England as well as making the Dragonball Z movie

James Marsters Cleveland Comic Con-Talks Buffy Bathroom scene

James Marsters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer at Cleveland Ohio Comic Con talks about the bathroom scene between Spike and Buffy in season 6, where Spike essentially tries to rape Buffy

Tags: cast: james marsters, cast: john barrowman, event: cleveland comic con, movie: dragonball: evolution, tv: buffy, tv: torchwood
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