jamie_marsters (dontkillspike) wrote,

James Marsters gig at Toronto Expo 2005 - Friday Videos x 4 | YouTube

James Marsters gig at Toronto Expo 2005 - Friday - part 1 of 4

Published on May 25, 2015
James Marsters VIP gig at Toronto Expo 2005, on Friday 26, August 2005.
Set list for part 1 :
- Button Down Vandals (half of it)
- Every Man
- This town

James Marsters gig at Toronto Expo 2005 - Friday - part 2 of 4

James Marsters VIP gig at Toronto Expo 2005, on Friday 26, August 2005.
Set list for part 2 :
- Long Time
- Angel
- Birth of the Blues
- Smile

James Marsters gig at Toronto Expo 2005 - Friday - part 3 of 4

James Marsters VIP gig at Toronto Expo 2005, on Friday 26, August 2005.
Set list for part 3 :
- Civilized Man
- Goodbye
- Bad
- Dangerous

James Marsters gig at Toronto Expo 2005 - Friday - part 4 of 4

James Marsters VIP gig at Toronto Expo 2005, on Friday 26, August 2005.
Set list for part 4 :
- For what I need
- Louise
- Finer Than Gold

Tags: cast: james marsters, event: concert, event: fan expo canada
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